Monday, May 3, 2010

Fishing Season Is Open Again

There was something refreshing about the warm weather and people back at the skate park once more. I had heard from one of the teenagers last week that none of the regulars seemed to be returning, and instead there were just young kids who would stay in the shallow areas of the bowls. But, today proved that wrong.

There were at least two dozen teenagers and young adults at the park today, ranging from some kids who just entered high school to a 36 year-old veteran and his 21 year-old buddy. There were some whom I remembered from the first day I ever went out to preach at the park over two years ago, and some fresh faces who will probably become regulars.

But what I found really interesting was how they were all polite and listened to my complete Gospel presentation. I didn't find a single rejection or any attitude from anyone. Conversely, I found a crowd of people who sat and were focused on my conversation. In particular, one girl named Emily with whom I spoke seemed very convicted by what she heard, and she said that I would see her again soon after I gave her some information about my church.

It may be a good fishing season this year. Please pray for a large catch.